JFI 2023 Workshops

July 3 - 5 in Tel Aviv, Israel
JFI is offering two workshops this summer in Tel Aviv: Documentary Feature Film and Narrative Short Screenplay. These are workshops, not lecture courses, so the emphasis will be on the work. The workshops will be conducted in English and include both group discussions and one-on-one meetings with the mentor.

Documentary Feature Film 

The workshop will focus on developing a concept for a documentary feature film production. The mentor will work with participants as they prepare a script, production plan, pitch deck, and any other materials that will help the project securing funding. More broadly, the mentor will engage participants in meaningful dialogue about the story they want to tell.
Daniel Roher
Academy-Award winning documentary film director (Navalny)
Stage Center in Tel Aviv (Sadna'ot Habama)
July 3 - 5
10am - 2pm each day
$400 USD
A limited amount of financial aid is available based on need.
A discounted rate of $325 will be given to those applying by June 11, 2023.

Narrative Short Screenplay 

The workshop will focus on developing a short script (8-12 pages) for production. The mentor will help participants to make their scripts engaging and cinematic by employing the best practices of narrative storytelling. Discussion will also include how to write roles that actors will find irresistible and creating memorable moments on a modest budget.
Alan Jacobs
Writer/Director of Nina Takes a Lover, American Gun, Down for Life. Founder of JFI.
Stage Center in Tel Aviv (Sadna'ot Habama)
July 3 - 5
10am - 2pm each day
$400 USD
A limited amount of financial aid is available based on need.
A discounted rate of $325 will be given to those applying by June 11, 2023.
Work developed during the workshop remains the exclusive property of the workshop participant. JFI, its mentors, and the other participants will have no creative or financial interest in the writer's work.

Applying to the Workshop

For application, we require three documents, in PDF format. They must be submitted in English. Feel free to use Google Translate. Applications will not be evaluated based on the quality of the English. That said, keep in mind that the workshops will be taught in English and work submitted to mentors during the workshop will be in English.

Resume or Brief Summary of Experience

A resume or brief summary of film-related training and experience. If possible, please include names and email addresses for anyone who can serve as a reference. 
One page maximum.

Letter of Intent

A letter of intent explaining your reasons for participating. Please also explain what your role would be if the film is produced. For example, would you also direct it? Produce it? Act in it?
250 Words Maximum

Screenplay, Treatment, or Synopsis for the Film

12 Pages Maximum

To apply, submit the above materials via email to

We will notify you of a decision within 3 weeks.
Who can apply
The workshop is open to any citizen of Israel who is at least 18 years of age.
Once Accepted
Those accepted into the workshop will be given a link to complete their registration and pay for the workshop.
Cancellation Policy
More than 30 days in advance of the workshop: 100% refund.
More than 14 days in advance of the workshop: 50% refund.
No refunds for cancellations less than 14 days.
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A 501(3)c public charity.